Center of Excellence

Applied Physics and Chemistry

The team formed at APC conducts research and development with integrated nanotechnology-based facilities equipped with the latest and most advanced infrastructure components. We provide laboratory services for innovative products, especially the study of the characterization and utilization of nanomaterials in terms of basic and applied science.

Our group research focuses on the structure, optical, and electronic properties of nanomaterials investigated by utilizing physical and chemical approaches. These functional materials cover diverse subjects such as nanobubbles, nanofibers, two-dimensional hybrid systems, and foam agents. We work on four main research lines: 1. Hybrid Nanobubbles-advanced Oxidation Process, 2.  Nanofibers, 3. Nano Petro, 4. Low-dimensional Materials.


Towards strong, responsible, and quality research and development units from the perspective of physics and chemistry.


  • Providing the APC research and development division with nanotechnology-based laboratory facilities equipped with the latest and most advanced component infrastructure.
  • Providing consulting services for innovative products, particularly the study of nanomaterial characterization and utilization, in order to respond to market challenges from both a scientific and an applied standpoint.
  • Actively cooperate and support each other CoEs in the structure chart of the Nano Center Indonesia foundation.
  • Development of capacity and quality of CoE APC human resources that are rapidly growing, sophisticated, and with integrity.



Ande Fudja Rafryanto

Aziz Yudhowijoyo

Pramitha Yuniar D. M.

Sri Hartati

Afif Akmal Afkauni

Dicky Andro

Jesika Br Ginting

Christiani Pangaribuan

Tobias Haposan

Kautsaradea Asabila

Anisa Sufia Latifah

Dinda Gusti Ayu

Henky Aden Saputra




Rifdah Hanifah

Nabila Safitri

Tomy Haryanto

Alice Lim

Akmal Badar

Budi Zahara

Khairunnisa Zulfa

Hanan Hakim

Rani Marizah Amelia

Taufiq Zakly

Muhammad Rofiq

M. Ammar A.

Yulianti Anjarsari

Rifda Azzahiidah

Muhammad Nafidz

Matthew Immanuel

Isaac Bernardus

Matt Bussar

S. S. Hutagalung

Rumaisha N. Azizah

M. S. Imansyah

Fadila Fibriani

Nida Dienul Fitri

Leony Putria Rahmaningrum

Sifa Fauziah


Research Team

We develop solutions for the study of complex scientific and engineering problems. Research areas in our lab are in: surface chemistry and nano-based delivery system applied to areas of Pharmaceutical, Personal Care, Nanotechnology and their interfaces. We emphasize the parallel development of tools, method, hardware and applications while we consider indispensable the interactions with our collaborators.



Prof. Dr. Hj. Budi Mulyanti, M.Si.

Lecturer and Researcher at Electrical Engineering Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dr. Lilik Hasanah, S.Si., M.Si.

Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dr. Markus Diantoro, M.Si.

Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Education Department, State University of Malang

Prof. Nandang Mufti, Ph.D.

Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, State University of Malang

Dr. Eng. Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin, S.T., M.Eng.

Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology

Dr. Yuly Kusumawati, M.Si.

Lecturer and Researcher at Chemistry Department, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology

Dian Mart Shodiqin. S.Si., M.Si.

Lecturer and Researcher at Kalimantan Institute of Technology

Dra. I gusti ayu arwati, M.T., Ph.D.

Lecturer and Researcher at Mechanical Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University

Dr. Lina Jaya Diguna

Lecturer and Researcher at Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Prasetya Mulya University

Assoc. Prof. Andrivo Rusydi

Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, National University of Singapore

Prof. Andrew Thye Shen Wee

Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, National University of Singapore

Dr. Muhammad Danang Birowosuto

Researcher at Lukasiewicz Research Network-PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, Poland

Prof. Jizhou Jiang

School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Wuhan Institute of Technology

Prof. Neng Li

State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology

Dr. Astra Agus Pramana D.N., S.Si., M.Sc.

Lecturer and Researcher at Petroleum Engineering, Pertamina University





Haposan, T., Suwardy, J., Tjahjana, L., Saleem, U., Diao, C., Tang, C. S., Yin, X., Breese, M. B., Wang, H., Birowosuto, M. D., Rusydi, A., & Arramel, N. (2025). Influence of catalysts on the electronic properties of gallium nitride nanomaterials. Applied Surface Science, 162111. (2025). Q1
Wellia, D. V., Ardiansyah, F., Lim, A., Arief, S., Subagyo, R., Ivansyah, A. L., Liu, X., Hartati, S., Afkauni, A. A., Zhang, L., Tang, C. S., Yin, X., Diao, C., Breese, B., Arramel, N., & Kusumawati, Y. (2025). Synergistic effects of heteroatom engineering in N-doped TiO2 films probed by X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy. Surfaces and Interfaces, 105812. (2025). Q1
Subagyo, R., Anindika, G. R., Utami, D. I., Sarifuddin, W. S., Zhang, L., Jovita, S., Agustina, K. R., Mijan, N. A., Zetra, Y., Bahruji, H., Suhendar, D., Mawaddah, F. a. N., Prasetyoko, D., Bisri, S. Z., Arramel, N., & Kusumawati, Y. (2025). Dendritic fibrous nano Silica–Titania for High-Performance Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Applied Energy Materials. (2025). Q1
Hu, Y., Zhang, Q., Arramel, A., Yuan, Y., Chen, S., Zheng, Y., & Sun, K. (2025). Molecular modification of A–Π–D–Π–A‐Type Small‐Molecule donors for High‐Performance photovoltaics. Solar RRL. (2025). Q1
Li, N., Liu, B., Zhang, Z., Feng, Y., Wang, Z., Arramel, A., Zhou, X., & Li, X. (2025). Unveiling the electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction mechanism in heteroatom-decorated-Mo2CS2-MXene: The synergistic effect of single-atom Fe and heteroatom. Materials Horizons. (2025). Q1
Li, Y., Li, S., Zhang, R., Jiang, J., Xiang, K., Arramel, N., & Zou, J. (2025). Research advancements in phosphogypsum crystal modifiers. Journal of Central South University, 31(11), 4098–4119. (2025). Q1
Haposan, T., Makowski, M., Kowal, D., Diguna, L. J., Witkowski, M. E., Mahato, S., Drozdowski, W., Arramel, A., & Birowosuto, M. D. (2024). The Incorporation of CsCu2I3 Nanocrystals into Polydimethylsiloxane Matrix for X‐ and γ‐Ray Scintillators. Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters. (2024). Q2
Shi, Z., Liu, B., Wang, H., Arramel, A., Li, W., Yue, Y., & Li, N. (2024). Unveiling the glass‐forming ability of MOF: A high‐throughout simulation and data mining. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. (2024). Q1
Li, Y., Li, S., Zhang, R., Jiang, J., Xiang, K., Arramel, N., & Zou, J. (2024b). Research advancements in phosphogypsum crystal modifiers. Journal of Central South University, 31(11), 4098–4119. (2024). Q1
Rafryanto, A. F., Eka, N., Charlie, D. A., Diguna, L. J., Zhang, L., Rachmantyo, R., Wibowo, A., Rochman, N. T., Noviyanto, A., & Arramel, N. (2024). Effective Remediation Strategy for Acidic Wastewater: Integrating Ozone Nanobubbles with Sustainable Adsorption Techniques. ACS Sustainable Resource Management. (2024). -
Sidiq, D. H., Mahato, S., Haposan, T., Makowski, M., Kowal, D., Witkowski, M. E., Drozdowski, W., Arramel, N., & Birowosuto, M. D. (2024). Cation Engineering of CU-Doped CSPBI3: lead substitution and dimensional reduction for improved scintillation performance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(47), 20324–20332. (2024). Q1
Wang, D., Haposan, T., Fan, J., Arramel, N., & Wee, A. T. S. (2024). Recent progress of imaging chemical bonds by scanning probe Microscopy: a review. ACS Nano, 18(45), 30919–30942. (2024). Q1
Birowosuto, M. D., Kowal, D., Sheikh, M. a. K., Mahato, S., Makowski, M., Maddalena, F., Dang, C., Arramel, A., Witkowski, M. E., & Drozdowski, W. (2024c). Optimizing Optical and Scintillation Properties through the Replacement of Organic Chains, Ion Doping, and Anions in Two-Dimensional Perovskite Crystals. 6, SF1R.5. (2024). -
Rafryanto, A. F., Batrisya, A. L., Charlie, D. A., & Arramel, A. (2024). Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Silica Gel: Sequential Mechanical Activation and Sol-Gel Methods from Fly Ash Derived from Coal. Journal of Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13(1), 23–32. (2024). -
Rachmantyo, R., Afkauni, A. A., Reinaldo, R., Zhang, L., Arramel, A., Birowosuto, M. D., Wibowo, A., & Judawisastra, H. (2024). Fabrication of black TiO2 through microwave heating for visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine 6G. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering. (2024). Q1
Wang, H., Zhang, H., Cao, H., Xue, J., Arramel, N., Zou, J., & Jiang, J. (2024). Revolutionizing construction: Harnessing phosphorus tailings for lightweight, High‐Strength wall materials. Crystal Research and Technology, 59(9). (2024). Q3
Subagyo, R., Saepurahman, S., Zain, E., Hartati, S., Zhang, L., Kurnia, K. A., Arramel, A., Ediati, R., Akhlus, S., & Kusumawati, Y. (2024). Elevating the photodecolorization efficiency for synthetic and actual colored wastewater through the integration of chitosan and zinc oxide layers on a fiberglass flat sheets. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10, 100875. (2024). Q1
Yu, T., Guo, H., Yu, J., Yang, C., Arramel, N., & Jiang, J. (2024). Piezo-enhanced photocatalysis of MoS2/Bi4O5Br2/PVDF-HFP film for wastewater purification. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 997, 174938. (2024). Q1
Subagyo, R., Diakana, A. R., Anindika, G. R., Akhlus, S., Juwono, H., Zhang, L., Arramel, N., & Kusumawati, Y. (2024). Modification of Sugar Cane Bagasse with CTAB and ZnO for Methyl Orange and Methylene Blue Removal. ACS Omega, 9(23), 25251–25264. (2024). Q2
Kurniawan, D. W., Gumilas, N. S. A., Arramel, N., Hartati, N., Novrial, D., & Tarwadi, N. (2024). PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION, AND TOXICITY STUDY OF ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA ETHANOL EXTRACT POLY-LACTIC-CO-GLYCOLIC ACID (PLGA) NANOPARTICLES IN RAW 264.7 CELLS. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 78–83. (2024). Q3
Afkauni, A. A., Haposan, T., Arrosyid, B. H., Hartati, S., Kowal, D., Rifai, A., Muslimawati, R. M., Marlina, R., Zulfi, A., Diguna, L. J., Mahyuddin, M. H., Yuliarto, B., Onggo, D., Birowosuto, M. D., & Arramel, N. (2024). Unveiling the influence of organic chain length on the physical properties of Two-Dimensional Cobalt-Based hybrid perovskites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(18), 7572–7582. (2024). Q1
Afkauni, A. A., Maulida, P. Y. D., Hartati, S., Mulyani, I., Muslimawati, R. M., Rifai, A., Zulfi, A., Yudhowijoyo, A., Diguna, L. J., Onggo, D., Mahyuddin, M. H., Birowosuto, M. D., & Arramel, N. (2024). The effect of organic ligand length on structural, vibrational and electrical properties of low-dimensional cobalt hybrid perovskites. Materials Today Proceedings. (2024). Q2
Rafryanto, A. F., Ramadina, Z. D. P., Nur’aini, S., Arrosyid, B. H., Zulfi, A., Rochman, N. T., Noviyanto, A., & Arramel, N. (2024). High recovery of ceramic membrane cleaning remediation by ozone nanobubble technology. ACS Omega, 9(10), 11484–11493. (2024). Q2
Zulfa, K., Zahara, B., Afkauni, A. A., Maulida, P. Y. D., Hartati, S., Mulyani, I., Yudhowijoyo, A., Diguna, L. J., Mahyuddin, M. H., Onggo, D., Birowosuto, M. D., & Arramel, N. (2024). Elucidating the vibration modes of two-dimensional hybrid copper halide perovskite crystals by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Materials Today Proceedings. (2024). Q2
Haposan, T., Maulida, P. Y. D., Hartati, S., Chairunisa, W., Arramel, N., Birowosuto, M. D., & Diguna, L. J. (2024). Mechanochemical synthesis of luminescent caesium copper iodide perovskite. Materials Today Proceedings. (2024). Q2
Cui, E., Lu, Y., Jiang, J., Arramel, N., Wang, D., & Zhai, T. (2024). Tailoring CuNi heteronuclear diatomic catalysts: Precision in structural design for exceptionally selective CO2 photoreduction to ethanol. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS (CHINESE VERSION), 59, 126–136. (2024). Q1
Hartati, S., Zahara, B., Maulida, P. Y. D., Zulfa, K., Afkauni, A. A., Subagyo, R., Diguna, L. J., Yudhowijoyo, A., Mahyuddin, M. H., Birowosuto, M. D., Kusumawati, Y., & Arramel, N. (2024). Vibrational mode of low-dimensional ionic liquid bismuth hybrid perovskite probed by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy. Materials Today Proceedings. (2024). Q2
Shi, Z., Liu, B., Yue, Y., Arramel, A., & Li, N. (2024). Unraveling medium‐range order and melting mechanism of ZIF‐4 under high temperature. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107(6), 3845–3856. (2024). Q1
Ye, W., Yong, Z., Go, M., Kowal, D., Maddalena, F., Tjahjana, L., Wang, H., Arramel, A., Dujardin, C., Birowosuto, M. D., & Wong, L. J. (2024). The nanoplasmonic purcell effect in Ultrafast and High‐Light‐Yield perovskite scintillators. Advanced Materials, 36(25). (2024). Q1
Haposan, T., Arramel, A., Maulida, P. Y. D., Hartati, S., Afkauni, A. A., Mahyuddin, M. H., Zhang, L., Kowal, D., Witkowski, M. E., Drozdowski, K. J., Makowski, M., Drozdowski, W., Diguna, L. J., & Birowosuto, M. D. (2024). All-inorganic copper-halide perovskites for large-Stokes shift and ten-nanosecond-emission scintillators. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12(7), 2398–2409. Q1
Maulida, P. Y. D., Hartati, S., Firdaus, Y., Hidayat, A. T., Diguna, L. J., Kowal, D., Bruno, A., Cortecchia, D., Arramel, A., & Birowosuto, M. D. (2024). Recent developments in low-dimensional heterostructures of halide perovskites and metal chalcogenides as emergent materials: Fundamental, implementation, and outlook. Chemical Physics Reviews, 5(1). (2024). Q1
Jiwanti, P. K., Sukardi, D. K. A., Sari, A. P., Tomisaki, M., Wafiroh, S., Hartati, S., Arramel, N., Wong, Y. H., Woi, P. M., & Juan, J. C. (2024). Fabrication and characterization of rGO-SnO2 nanocomposite for electrochemical sensor of ciprofloxacin. Sensors International, 5, 100276. (2024). Q1
Eka, E., Andro, D., Andreawan, A., Susilawati, U., Ahyar, F. A., Rafryanto, A. F., Indrayana, A. W., & Arramel, A. (2024). Pemanfaatan limbah cangkang telur ayam sebagai adsorben zat warna methyl blue dalam larutan. -
Yu, T., Yang, B., Zhang, R., Yang, C., Arramel, N., & Jiang, J. Fabrication of a novel Z-S-scheme photocatalytic fuel cell with the Z-scheme TiO2/GO/g-C3N4 photoanode and S-scheme BiOAc1−Br /BiOBr photocathode for TC degradation. Journal of Material Science and Technology, 188, 11–26. (2024). Q1
H. Wang, L. Yu, J. Jiang, Arramel, J. Zou. S-doping of the N-sites of g-C3N4 to Enhance Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity. Accepted in Journal of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 40, 2305047 (2024). Q1
F. Li, G. Zhu, J. Jiang, L. Yang, F. Deng, Arramel, X. Li. A Review of Updated S-Scheme Heterojunction Photocatalysts. Accepted in Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2024). Q2
J. Jiang, Y. Wang, H. Wang, Arramel, Y. Zou, H. Wang, J. Zou. Charge Transfer Interfaces Across Black Phosphorus/Co, N Co-doped Carbon Heterojunction for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Water Splitting. Accepted in Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2024). Q1
H. Luo, Arramel, M. Li, J. Jiang, K. Sun, Y. Zheng. Working Mechanism of MXene as the Anode Protection Layer of Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries. Accepted in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2024). Q1
S. W. Koh, L. Rekhi, Arramel, F. Le Goualher, M. D. Birowosuto, Q. T. Trinh, J. Ge, W. Yu, A. T. S. Wee, H. Xie, Z. Liu, P. Coquet, T. S. Choksi, H. Li. Tuning the Work Function and Conductivity of MXene via Surface Functionalization (2023). Q1
Purbayanto, M. a. K., Arramel, N., Koh, S. W., Maddalena, F., Moszczyńska, D., Manopo, J., Darma, Y., Kowal, D., Li, H., Birowosuto, M. D., & Jastrzębska, A. M. (2023). Interfacial interactions of doped-Ti3C2 MXene/MAPbI3 heterostructures: surfaces and the theoretical approach. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(48), 33081–33093. (2023). Q1
Jiang, J., Li, F., Ding, L., Zhang, C., Arramel, N., & Li, X. (2023). MXenes/CNTs-based hybrids: Fabrications, mechanisms, and modification strategies for energy and environmental applications. Nano Research, 17(5), 3429–3454. (2023). Q1
Subagyo, R., Maulida, P. Y. D., Kowal, D., Hartati, S., Muslimawati, R. M., Zetra, Y., Diguna, L. J., Akhlus, S., Mahyuddin, M. H., Zhang, L., Tang, C. S., Diao, C., Wee, A. T. S., Birowosuto, M. D., Arramel, N., Rusydi, A., & Kusumawati, Y. (2023). Spectroscopic evidence of localized small polarons in Low-Dimensional ionic liquid Lead-Free hybrid perovskites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(47), 54677–54691. (2023). Q1
Noviyanto, A., Amalia, R., Maulida, P. Y. D., Dioktyanto, M., Arrosyid, B. H., Aryanto, D., Zhang, L., Wee, A. T. S., & Arramel, N. (2023). Anomalous Temperature-Induced particle size reduction in manganese oxide nanoparticles. ACS Omega, 8(47), 45152–45162. (2023). Q1
S. S. Hutagalung, A. F. Rafryanto, W. Sun, N. Juliasih, S. Aditia, J. Jiang, Arramel, H. K. Dipojono, S. H. Suhardi, N. T. Rochman, D. Kurniadi. Combination of ozone-based advanced oxidation process and nanobubbles generation toward textile wastewater recovery (2023). Q1
Y. Yang, J. Peng, Z. Shi, P. Zhang, Arramel, N. Li. Unveiling the Key Intermediates in Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Urea with CO2 and N2 Coupling Reactions on Double Transition-Metal MXenes (2023). Q1
A. Wibowo, L. J. Diguna, M. B. Ananda, M. A. Marsudi, Arramel, Md. A. K. Sheikh, S. Zeng, W. L. Jie, M. D. Birowosuto. Developments and Challenges in Perovskite Scintillators for High Resolution Imaging and Timing Applications (2023). Q1
Z. Shi, S. Hartati, Arramel, N. Li. Unraveling the Bond Structure, Porosity and Mechanical Properties of a large random network a-ZIFs: Ab initio Calculations . (2023). Q1
N. Li, K. Weng, J. Peng, Z. Wang, P. Zhang, Arramel, X. Zhou .Highly NH3 Sensitive and Selective Ti3C2O2-Based Gas Sensors: A Density Functional Theory-NEGF Study ACS Omega 2023, 8, 4, 4261–4269 Q1
J. Zou, Y. Zou, H. Wang, W. Wang, P. Wu, Arramel, J. Jiang, X. Li. Tailoring the electronic acceptor-donor heterointerface between black phosphorus and Co3O4 for boosting oxygen bifunctional electrocatalysis. (2023). Q1
Wang, L., Yang, T., Feng, B., Xu, X., Shen, Y., Li, Z., Arramel, N., & Jiang, J. Constructing dual electron transfer channels to accelerate CO2 photoreduction guided by machine learning and first-principles calculation. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS (CHINESE VERSION), 54, 265–277. Accepted in Chinese Journal of Catalysis (2023). Q1
S. Wei, W. Jing, W. Yongjing, B. Saishuai, W. Haitao, S. Zhou, X. Kun, M. Huijuan, Z. Jing, Arramel, J. Jizhou. CoP decorated on Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanocomposites as Robust Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Accepted in Journal of Acta Physicochemical Sinica (2023). Q1
H. Wang, H. Wang, J. Yang, P. Y. D. Maulida, J. Zou, Arramel, C. Wu, J. Jiang. Black Phosphorus Nanosheets based Effective Electrochemical Sensor for Uric Acid Detection. Accepted in Journal of Carbon Letters (2023). Q2
K. A. J. Koua, J. Peng, Arramel, P. Zhang, N. Li. Towards High-Efficiency of Hydrogen Purification in Metal Hydride. Accepted in Journal of Progress in Natural Science: Materials International (2023). Q1
R. Subagyo, A. Yudhowijoyo, N. A. Sholeha, S. S. Hutagalung, D. Prasetyoko, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel, J. Jiang, Y. Kusumawati. Recent Advances of Modification Effect in Co3O4-based Catalyst Towards Highly Efficient Photocatalysis. Accepted in Journal of Colloid and Interfaces Science, 650, 1550 (2023). Q1
J. Shuai, J. Wan, X. Zhi, J. Ye, C. Li, P. Y. D. Maulida, Arramel, W. Chen, F. Wang, N. Li. Unveiling the Strong Coulomb Interaction Effect on Electronic Structures and Mechanical Properties of High Iron Phase Cement C4AF. Accepted in Journal of American Ceramic Society, 106, 7641-7653 (2023). Q1
P. Y. D. Maulida, R. Subagyo, S. Hartati, S. Jovita, L. L. Zulfa, H. Hakim, M. D. Birowosuto, Y. Kusumawati, Arramel. Recent Progress and Rational Design of Perovskite-based Chemosensor: A Review. Accepted in Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 962, 170996 (2023). Q1
N. Li, Z. Shi, S. Zhai, N. Zhou, P. Zhang, Arramel, T. D. Bennett, Y. Yue. Unveiling the amorphization of sodalite topology zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and zeolites by pressure and stress. the American Ceramic SocietyEarly. 01, 06, 2023 Q1
P. Y. Diah Maulida, S. Hartati, D. Kowal, L. J. Diguna, Md Abd. Kuddus Sheikh, M. H. Mahyuddin, Irma Mulyani, D. Onggo, F. Maddalena, A Bachiri, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, Arramel*, and M. D. Birowosuto* . Organic Chain Length Effect on Trap States of Lead Halide Perovskite Scintillators. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2023, 6, 11, 5912–5922 Q1
S.S. Hutagalung, A.F. Rafryanto, W. Sun, N. Juliasih, S. Aditia, J. Jiang, Arramel, H.K. Dipojono, S.H. Suhardi, N.T. Rochman, D. Kurniadi. Combination of ozone-based advanced oxidation process and nanobubbles generation toward textile wastewater recovery. Frontiers in Environmental Science Q1
M. Yang, Y. Zou, L. Ding, Y. Yu, J. Ma, L. Li, A. F. Rafryanto, J, Zou, Arramel & Haitao Wang. TiO2 nanoparticles anchored on graphene oxide nanosheets as a highly active photocatalyst for decabromodiphenyl ether degradation. (2023) Q2
S. Hartati, P. Y. D. Maulida, T. Zakly, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, M. H. Mahyuddin, A. Noviyanto, Arramel, N. T. Rohman. Vibrational and Structural Properties of Two-Dimensional Tin Mixed-Halide Perovskites. Accepted for proceedings of ICFMS Bali, 40, 1-6 (2023). -
N. Mufti, F. Ansar, E. Latifah, M. Dioktyanto, A. S. P. Dewi, M. T. H. Abadi, E. T. Sari, B. H. Arrosyid, A. Noviyanto, Arramel. Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Thickness on ZnO Nanorods-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell. Accepted for proceedings of ICFMS Bali, 950, 55-62 (2023). Q4
F. Li, Y. Anjarsari, J. Wang, R. Azzahiidah, J. Jiang, J. Zou, K. Xiang, H. Ma, Arramel. Modulation of the Lattice Structure of 2D Carbon-Based Materials for Improving Photo/Electric Properties. Accepted in Journal of Carbon Letters, 33, 1321-1331 (2023). Q1
Mahyuddin, M. H., Arramel, N., Diguna, L. J., Agusta, M. K., Mulyani, I., Onggo, D., Shiddiq, M., Tang, C. S., Yin, X., Diao, C., Birowosuto, M. D., Wee, A. T. S., & Rusydi, A. (2022b). Tailoring the optical and electronic properties of 2D hybrid Dion–Jacobson Copper chloride perovskites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(50), 21297–21307. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 50, 21297–21307 Q1
J. Jiang, Z. Shi, Arramel, J. Zhang, T. Deng, and N. Li. Temperature-dependent elastic and thermodynamic properties of ZrC, HfC, and their solid solutions (Zr0.5Hf0.5)C. Accepted in Journal of American Ceramic Society (2022). Q1
N. Li, Z. Wang, P. Zhang, X. Li, Arramel, C. Sun, X. Zhou and X. Zhao. Regulating Spin Order of Transition Metal Embedded-MXenes for Boosting Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia. Accepted in Journal of Material Chemistry A (2022). Q1
Rongchen Shen, Lei Hao, Yun Hau Ng, Peng Zhang, Arramel, Youji Li, and Xin Li. Heterogeneous N‐coordinated single‐atom photocatalysts and electrocatalysts. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 43, 2453-2483 (2022). Q1
R. Subagyo, Arramel, L. J. Diguna, A. L. Ivansyah, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, D. Kowal, W. Drozdowski, M. D. Birowosuto, Y. Kusumawati. Scintillation properties of ((CH3)4N)3BiCl6 as a novel lead-free perovskite halide crystal. Materials Research Express, 9, 096202 (2022) Q2
J. Wang, Q. Qin, F. Li, Y. Anjarsari, W. Sun, R. Azzahiidah, J. Zou, K. Xiang, H. Ma, J. Jiang, Arramel. Recent advances of MXenes MoC-based materials for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction. Carbon Letters (2022). Q1
P. Y. D. Maulida, D. Wang, F. Maddalena, C. Tang, X. Yin, C. Diao, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, A. Noviyanto, M. Birowosuto, Arramel, A. Wee, A. Rusydi. Unraveling Correlated Electronic States in Layered Manganese-based Perovskites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 15801–15808 (2022) Q1
Muhajirin, I. G. A. Arwati, S. Hartati, H. Hakim, A. Noviyanto, Arramel, and T. Zakly. The Effect of Addition Green Inhibitor D-Galactose on Corrosion Rate of Alumunium Alloy 5052 in Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) Media Accepted in International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering & Advanced Materials. 4, 30-37 (2022). -
L. Tjahjana, A. Olivier, Y. Herbani, H. Hardhienata, F. Ahmad, Arramel, D. Kowal M. D. Birowosuto, H. Wang. Localized Light Emission of Gallium Phosphide Nanodisks in Indium Phosphide Nanowires. Accepted in Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 126, 12113-12120 (2022). Q1
L. J. Diguna, L. Jonathan, M. H. Mahyuddin, Arramel, F. Maddalena, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, A. Bachiri, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, D. Kowal, W. Drozdowski and M. D. Birowosuto. BA2XBr4 (X= Pb,Cu,Sn): From Lead to Lead-Free Halide Perovskite Scintillators. Accepted in Journal of Material Advances, 3, 5087-5095 (2022). Q1
L. Zhang, T. Yang, Arramel, Y. P. Feng, A. T. S. Wee, Z. Wang. MBE-Grown Ultrathin PtTe2 Films and Their Layer-Dependent Electronic Structures. Accepted in Journal of Nanoscale, 14, 7650-7658 (2022). Q1
S. Hartati, A. Zulfi, P. Y. D. Maulida, A. Yudhowijoyo, M. Dioktyanto, K. E. Saputro, A. Noviyanto, and N. T. Rochman. , Synthesis of Electrospun PAN/TiO2/Ag Nanofibers Membrane As Potential Air Filtration Media with Photocatalytic Activity Accepted in Journal of ACS Omega, 7, 12, 10516–10525, (2022). Q2


Title Patent No.
Sel Surya Berstruktur Kuasi-Padat dengan Pigmen Kombinasi Antosianin dan Rutenium P00202412163
Metode Pembuatan Membran Untuk Filter Air Berbasis Limbah PVC Dan Komposisi Material Membran Yang Dihasilkannya P00202409643
Sistem Otomatis Pembersih Permukaan Panel Surya S00202409443
Alat Uji Durabilitas Lapisan Tanah dan Batuan Lapuk S00202304080
Genteng Plentong Berbahan Limbah Plastik S00202303445
Alat dan Metode Ultrasonik dikombinasikan dengan Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) Terintegrasi Bubble Mill Generator (BMG) untuk Pengolahan Limbar Cair dan Sedime P00202010064
Sistem Reaktor Air Beroksigen S00202300296
Sistem dan Proses Pembersihan Bahan Berongga P00202205727
Formulasi dan Metode Produksi Artifical Stone (Batu Buatan) Berbahan Dasar Fly Ash-Bottom Ash (FABA) dan Recycled Solid Waste. P00202112378
Sistem dan Proses Pembersihan Bahan Berongga. Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Yulianti Anjarsari, Arramel, dkk. P00202205727
Formulasi dan Metode Produksi Artificial Stone (Batu Buatan) Berbahan Dasar Fly Ash-Bottom Ash (FABA) dan Recycled Solid Waste Lainnya Nur'aini, Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Akmal Zulfi, dkk. P00202205727
Sistem Pengolahan Air Minum Beroksigen. A. F. Rafryanto, A. W. Indrayana dkk. Application S00202300296
Alat dan Metode Ultrasonik dikombinasikan dengan Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) Terintegrasi Bubble Mill Generator (BMG) untuk Pengolahan Limbar Cair dan Sedimen. Sutrisno Salomo Hutagalung dkk. Application granted: PO P00202010064
Genteng Plentong Berbahan Limbah Plastik. Putera Agung Maha Agung dkk. Application S00202303445
Alat Uji Durabilitas Lapisan Tanah dan Batuan Lapuk. Putera Agung Maha Agung dkk. Application S00202304080