Center of Excellence

Life Science

Our team conduct research and development in computational biology, nano-processing, and nano-formulation of natural products with integrated nanotechnology-based-laboratory facilities and high-performance computerized. Our research aims at creating innovative natural drug, supplement and cosmetic products based on nanotechnology that dedicated to the future human health and life sciences. Our team members consist of multidisiplinary background in sciences (chemistry, biology, pharmacy and chemical engineering) and we work together to promote state-of-the-art research.

We utilize the computational method that allows us to comprehend preliminary studies and apply them to experimental systems such as cells and animal models to elucidate mechanisms of human metabolism. We used them to choose the best natural product and combined with nano-processing to create new innovative natural drugs, supplements, or cosmetics products for human health.


Innovate to research and develop life sciences field


  • Be a productive research and development division in life sciences field, to produce influential scientific publications and innovative natural products through integrated laboratory with advances facilities.
  • Provide consulting services and development of natural supplement and/or cosmetics to produce the new health products through the use of nanotechnology and computational modeling
  • Establish good collaboration and cooperation with other CoE divisions in Nano Center Indonesia foundation, also with other educational or research institutions in Indonesia and international (global)
  • Improve the quality and capacity of CoE Life Sciences human resources that are excellent, competent, qualified, and with integrity



Director of CoE Life Sciences

Dr. Etik Mardliyati, M.Eng.

Putri Hawa Syaifie, M.Si.

Nofa Mardia N. K., M.Si.

Donny Ramadhan, S.Si, M.Si.

M. Miftah Jauhar, S.Si.

Roro Intan Sasmaya Akbar, S.Si


Delfritama Ibadillah, S. Farm


Khalish Arsy Al Khairy Siregar, S. Farm



Our Research Area

What We Can Offer



Horacio Perez Sanchez, Ph.D

Supervisor principle of Structural Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Research Group (BIO-HPC)

Isa Anshori, Ph.D

Supervisor principle of Lab-on-Chip Research group, STEI ITB

Dr. Mega Safithri

Lecturer and researcher at biochemistry department, Bogor Agricultural Univeristy gawnlA0AAAAJ&hl=id

Paula Mariana Kustiawan

Lecturer and researcher at Pharmacy department, Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan





Anshori, I., Marcius, D., Syaifie, P. H., Siregar, K. A. A. K., Syakuran, L. A., Jauhar, M. M., Arda, A. G., Shalannanda, W., & Mardliyati, E. (2024). Therapeutic potential of propolis extract in managing hyperinflammation and long COVID‐19: A bioinformatics study. Chemistry & Biodiversity. Q2
Kustiawan, P. M., Siregar, K. A. A. K., Jauhar, M. M., Ramadhan, D., Mardliyati, E., & Syaifie, P. H. (2024). Network pharmacology and bioinformatic integrative analysis reveals candidate gene targets and potential therapeutic of East Kalimantan propolis against hepatocellular carcinoma. Heliyon, 10(21). Q1
Jauhar, M. M., Damairetha, F. R., Mardliyati, E., Ulum, M. F., Syaifie, P. H., Fahmi, F., Satriawan, A., Shalannanda, W., & Anshori, I. (2024). Bioinformatics design of peptide binding to the human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) in biosensor development for myocardial infarction diagnosis. PLOS ONE, 19(10), e0305770. Q1
Lestari, R., Maharani, B. Y., Setyawati, D. R., Mardliyati, E., Chowdhury, A. D., & Tarwadi. (2024). Enhanced transgene expression of branched polyethyleneimine (bPEI-800)-based liposome nanoparticles in HEK-293T cells. International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 21(4), 1–13. Q3
Setyawati, D. R., Sekaringtyas, F. C., Pratiwi, R. D., Rosyidah, A., Azhar, R., Gustini, N., Syahputra, G., Rosidah, I., Mardliyati, E., Tarwadi, & El Muttaqien, S. (2024). Recent updates in applications of nanomedicine for the treatment of hepatic fibrosis. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 15, 1105–1116. Q1
Setyawati, D. R., Azzahra, K., Mardliyati, E., Tarwadi, Maharani, B. Y., & Nurmeilis. (2024). Box-behnken design assisted approach in optimizing lipid composition for cationic liposome formulation as gene carrier. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1868(11), 130705. Q1
Mariana Kustiawan, P., Siregar, K. A. A. K., Syaifie, P. H., Zein Muttaqin, F., Ibadillah, D., Miftah Jauhar, M., Djamas, N., Mardliyati, E., & Taufiqu Rochman, N. (2024). Uncovering the anti-breast cancer activity potential of East Kalimantan propolis by in vitro and bioinformatics analysis. Heliyon, 10(13). Q1
Mardliyati, E., Hawa Syaifie, P., El Muttaqien, S., & Ria Setyawati, D. (2024). Nanoscale alum-based adjuvants: Current status and future prospects. Materials Today: Proceedings. Q2
Syaifie, P. H., Ibadillah, D., Jauhar, M. M., Reninta, R., ningsih, S., Ramadhan, D., Arda, A. G., Ningrum, D. W. C., Kaswati, N. M. N., Rochman, N. T., & Mardliyati, E. (2024). Phytochemical Profile, antioxidant, enzyme inhibition, acute toxicity, in silico molecular docking and dynamic analysis of apis mellifera propolis as antidiabetic supplement. Chemistry & Biodiversity. Q2
Fahmawati, T., Akbar, R. I. S., Kaswati, N. M. N., Syakuran, L. A., & Safithri, M. (2024). The evaluation of antioxidant activity of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) nanopowder in comparison with extracts. Materials Today: Proceedings. Q2
Arda, A. G., Syaifie, P. H., Ramadhan, D., Jauhar, M. M., Nugroho, D. W., Ningsih Kaswati, N. M., Noviyanto, A., Safihtri, M., Rochman, N. T., Andrianto, D., & Mardliyati, E. (2024). Activity of propolis compounds as potential MMP1 and MMP2 inhibitors by in silico studies in wound healing application. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 12(2). Q2
Kustiawan, P. M., Syaifie, P. H., Siregar, K. A. A. K., Ibadillah, D., & Mardliyati, E. (2024). New insights of propolis nanoformulation and its therapeutic potential in human diseases. ADMET and DMPK. Q1
Mardliyati, E., Setyawati, D. R., Ansari, A. S. A. A., Jauhar, M. M., & Syaifie, P. H. (2024). In silico study of aluminum phosphate as vaccine adjuvants: Exploring the binding interaction of three structures of aluminum phosphate with lysozyme and bovine serum albumin. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 14(2), 1–17. Q3
Simanjuntak, M. V., Jauhar, M. M., Syaifie, P. H., Arda, A. G., Mardliyati, E., Shalannanda, W., Hermanto, B. R., & Anshori, I. (2024). Revealing propolis potential activity on inhibiting estrogen receptor and heat shock protein 90 overexpressed in breast cancer by bioinformatics approaches. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, 18. Q1
Siregar, K. A. A. K., Syaifie, P. H., Jauhar, M. M., Arda, A. G., Rochman, N. T., Kustiawan, P. M., & Mardliyati, E. (2024). Revealing curcumin therapeutic targets on SRC, PPARG, MAPK8 and HSP90 as liver cirrhosis therapy based on comprehensive bioinformatic study. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. Q2
Syaifie, P. H., Nasution, M. A. F., Rahmawati, I., Saepudin, E., & Ivandini, T. A. (2024). Electrochemical study of N-acetyl neuraminic acid at gold-modified screen-printed carbon electrodes for a glycoprotein sensor of SARS-CoV-2. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 97(1). Q2
Irsal, R. A. P., Safithri, M., Andrianto, D., & Mardliyati, E. (2023). Flavonoid concentration and tyrosinase inhibition activity of ethanol extract of piper crocatum (piper crocatum var. ruiz & pav) from Various Regions in Indonesia and Their Correlations. Jurnal Kimia Valensi, 9(1), 42–52. Q4
Safithri, M., Andrianto, D., Gaisani Arda, A., Hawa Syaifie, P., Mardia Ningsih Kaswati, N., Mardliyati, E., Ramadhan, D., Miftah Jauhar, M., Wahyu Nugroho, D., Anggraini Septaningsih, D., Tria Melati, L., Hudayanti, M., Sarah, E., Alifibi Putera Irsal, R., & Taufiqu Rochman, N. (2023). The effect of red betel (piper crocatum) water fraction as tyrosinase inhibitors: In vitro, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics studies. Journal of King Saud University - Science, 35(10), 102933. Q1
Sulfianti, A., Tiara Sopandi, V., Isnaeni, I., Suryanggono, J., Pambudi, S., El Muttaqien, S., Nurdiya Ningsih, F., Widayanti, T., Mardliyati, E., & Annisa, A. (2023). Antibody-labelled gold nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation to detect SARS-CoV-2 antigen spike. ADMET and DMPK. Q1
Umitaibatin, R., Harisna, A. H., Jauhar, M. M., Syaifie, P. H., Arda, A. G., Nugroho, D. W., Ramadhan, D., Mardliyati, E., Shalannanda, W., & Anshori, I. (2023). Immunoinformatics study: multi-epitope based vaccine design from SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. Vaccines, 11(2). Q1
Jauhar, M. M., Syaifie, P. H., Arda, A. G., Ramadhan, D., Nugroho, D. W., Ningsih Kaswati, N. M., Noviyanto, A., Rochman, N. T., & Mardliyati, E. (2022). Evaluation of propolis activity as sucrose-dependent and sucrose-independent streptococcus mutans inhibitors to treat dental caries using an in silico approach. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Q2
Syaifie, P. H., Harisna, A. H., Nasution, M. A. F., Arda, A. G., Nugroho, D. W., Jauhar, M. M., Mardliyati, E., Maulana, N. N., Rochman, N. T., Noviyanto, A., Banegas-Luna, A. J., & Pérez-Sánchez, H. (2022). Computational study of asian propolis compounds as potential anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus agents by using inverse virtual screening with the DIA-DB web server, tanimoto similarity analysis, and molecular dynamic Simulation. Molecules, 27(13), 3972. Q1
Syaifie, P. H., Hemasita, A. W., Nugroho, D. W., Mardliyati, E., & Anshori, I. (2022). In silico investigation of propolis compounds as potential neuroprotective agent Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 12(6), 8285–8306. Q3
Katelia, R., Jauhar, M. M., Syaifie, P. H., Nugroho, D. W., Ramadhan, D., Arda, A. G., Mardliyati, E., & Anshori, I. (2022). In silico investigation of xanthone derivative potency in inhibiting carbonic anhydrase ii (Ca Ii) using molecular docking and molecular dynamics (Md) simulation. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 190–198. -
Jauhar, M. M., Anshori, I., Yosephine, M., Syaifie, P. H., Harisna, A. H., Nugroho, D. W., Mardliyati, E., & Arda, A. G. (2022). In silico study of natural xanthones as potential inhibitors of alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase. Records of Natural Products, 1, 125–144. Q2
Kaswati, N.M Ningsih, Bintang, M., & Mardliyati, E. (2021). Nanochitosan-propolis and its activity test of invitro cell proliferation and in 4 vivo wound healing. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS, 16(2), 1–12. -
Harisna, A. H., Nurdiansyah, R., Syaifie, P. H., Nugroho, D. W., Saputro, K. E., Firdayani, Prakoso, C. D., Rochman, N. T., Maulana, N. N., Noviyanto, A., & Mardliyati, E. (2021). In silico investigation of potential inhibitors to main protease and spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 in propolis. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 26. Q2


Title Granted Date Patent No.
Formula Herbal Antidiabetes Yang Mengandung Ekstrak Kulit Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmannii), Ekstrak Daun Meniran (Phyllanthus Niruri L), Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordica Charantia L), Dan Ekstrak Propolis Apis Mellifera Sebagai Antidiabetes S00202410275
Kombinasi Ekstrak Sirih Merah Terenkapsulasi Nanostructured Lipid Carrier (NLC) Dengan Nanopropolis Sebagai Bahan Aktif Antimelanogenesis S00202411561
Gel Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Ekstrak Akar Murbei (Morus Alba L) Sebagai Pencerah Kulit S00202407690
Sintesis Gel Nano partikel Kitosan-Kolagen-Jinten Hitam untuk Perawatan Luka dan Perawatan Kulit S00202414110
Ekstrak Biji Kopi Robusta sebagai Agen Antioksidan dan Anti Inflamasi untuk Inovasi Produk di Bidang Kesehatan Gigi melalui blockade TLR4 dan NfkB S00202410947
Metode Ekstraksi Propolis Trigona Sp. dan Ekstrak Etanol Propolis yang dihasilkannya Sebagai Agen Penghambat Proses Melanogenesis P00202309810
Formula Serum Wajah Berbahan Aktif Ekstrak Propolis dan Madu dari Lebah Trigona Sp. Sebagai Anti Melanogenesis P00202314236
Kombinasi herbal untuk suplemen vitalitas pria P00202314238
Metode Pembuatan Nanoemulsi Sebagai Pembawa Bahan Aktif Obat atau Kosmetik P00202314237
Metode Pembuatan Aluminium Fosfat untuk Adjuvan Vaksin P00202309818
Nanopropolis Terenkapsulasi dalam Nanokitosan dan Metode Pembuatannya P0020218275
Metode pembuatan nanopartikel bahan aktif herbal terjerap dalam nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) P0020225467